What is morphology?
a. According
to Mark Aronoff :
Morphology is generally
attributed to the German poet, novelist, playwright and philosopher Johann
Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832), who coined it early in the nineteenth century
in a biological context, its etymologi is greek : morph- means ‘shape,form’,
and morphology is the study of from or forms. In biology morphology refers to
the study of the form and structere of organisms, and in geology it refers to
the study of the configuration and evolution of land forms. In lingustics
morphology refers to the mental system involved in word formation or to the
branch of linguistics that deals with words, their internal stucture, and how
the are formed. The meaning of
Morphology by
Francis Katamba:
Morphology is
the study of the internal structure of words. Analytical comparison of sound
systems and word-formation patterns, the study of the evolution of words would
illuminate the evolution of language just as in biology morphology, the study
of the forms of organisms, had thrown light on the evolution of species.
How is the intruction between morphology
and phonology?
a. According
to Francis Katamba the interaction between morphology and phonology is the
selection of the from that maniefests a given morphem may be influenced by the
sounds that realize neighboring morphemes.
b. According to FrancisKatamba the interaction
between morphology and phonology is the selection of the from that maniefests a
given morphem may be influenced by the sounds that realize neighboring
How is the intruction between morphology
and syntex?
a. According
to Katamba :
As regards the intraction with
syntax, the form of the word may be affected by the syntactic construction in
which the word is used. For intance, the verb walk has a number of forms
incliding walk, walks and walked. Turning to semantics, the connection between
morphology and the role of the lexicon or dictionary is to list the meanings of
What is lexeme and give some examples?
According to Katamba :
A lexeme is the smallest or minimal
unit of lexicon in language that bears some meaning. Lexeme is basically an
abstract notion used in lingustic morphology, the concrete realisation of which
is a word. One lexeme can take up more than one inflection to form a set of
many words known as inflected variants. For example, the lexeme PLAY can take
up many forms like play, playing, plays and played. Lexeme is not equivalent to
a word or morpheme in language. Sometime, one lexeme can be formed of more than
one word and morpheme also. For example, the lexemes like take off and put up.
b. According by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman:
A lexeme is a
word with a specific sound and a specific meaning. Its shape may vary depending
on syntactic context, a theoretical construct. A lexeme is a theoretical
construct that corresponds roughly to one of the common senses of the term
According to Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman the lexeme is a word with a
specific sound and a specific meaning. Its shape may vary depending on
syntactic context. Example: dog and dogs, distinct
grammatical word forms of the same lexeme dog.
What is word and give example?
a. According
to Katamba :
The assumption that language contain
words is taken for granted by most people. Even illiterate speakers know that
there are word in their language. For instance, english speaker may not agree
whether all right is one words or two and as result disputes may arise as to
whether alright is the correct way of writing all right.
According by
Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman:
Defining words syntactically
is one way that people have attempted to define words is to call them the
smallest unit of syntax.
Defining words
phonologically is words tend to be important units phonologically as well as
What is morpheme and give some examples?
a. According
to Mark arnoff :
is the smallest lingustic pieces with a grammatical function. A morpheme may
consist of a word, such as a hand, or
meaningful piece of word, such as the –ed of
looked. That can not devaided into smaller meaningful part. Another way in which morphemes have been defined is as a
term ‘morph’ a is sometimes used to
refer specifically to the phonological realization of morpheme. For example,the English past tense
morpheme that we spell –ed has various morphs. It is realized as (t) after the
voiceless (p) of jump (cf. Jumped), as (d) after the voiced (l) of repel (cf.
repeled) and as (Əd) after the voiceless (t) of root or the voiced (d) of wed
(cf. Rooted as wedded).
b. According
to Francis Katamba
Katamba is the smallest difference in
the shape of a word that correlates with the smallest difference in word or
sentence meaning or in grammatical structure. Example: If we divided up the
word fee [fi:] (which contains just
one morpheme) into, say, [f] and [i:], it would be impossible to say what
each of the sounds [f] and [i:] means by itself since sounds in
themselves do not have meaning.
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