Subject : Morphology
Bound Morpheme
According to Andrew carstairs-McCarthy :
A bound morpheme is a morpheme (or word element) that cannot stand a lone as a word, bound morphemes include prefixes and suffixes. Attaching a bound morpheme to a free morpheme (for
example, adding the prefix re- to the verb start) created n
word or at least a new form a word(in the example, restart). Morphemes
are represented in sound and writing by morphs. There are two main types ofbound morphemes: derivational
morphemes and inflectional
of morpheme: bound versus free
The morphemes in the
word helpfulness,
just discussed, do not all have the
same status. Help, -ful and
-ness are
not simply strung together like beads
on a string. Rather,
the core, or starting-point, for the formation of this word is help;
the morpheme -ful is then added to form helpful,
which in turn is the basis for the formation of helpfulness.
In using the word ‘then’
here, I am not
referring to the historical sequence in which the words help,
helpful and
into use; I am talking rather about the structure of the word in contemporary
English – a structure that is part of the implicit linguistic knowledge of all
English speakers, whether or not they know anything about the history of the
English language.
are two reasons for calling help the core of this word.
One is that help supplies the most precise and concrete element in
its meaning,
shared by a family of related words like helper,
unhelpful that
differ from one another in more abstract ways. (This is an aspect of word
structure that we will look at in more detail). Another reason is that, of the
three morphemes in helpfulness, only help can
stand on its own – that is, only help can, in an
appropriate context, constitute an utterance by itself. That is clearly not
true of -ness,
nor is it true of -ful. (Historically -ful is
indeed related to the word full, but their divergence
in modern English is evident if one compares words like helpful and
cheerful with
other words that really do contain full, such as half-full and
In self-explanatory fashion, morphemes that can stand on their own are called free, and ones that cannot are bound. A salient characteristic of
English – a respect in which English differs from many other languages – is
that a high proportion of complex words are like helpfulness and
that they have a free morpheme (like help and Clinton)
at their core. Compare the two column of words listed all of which consist
uncontroversially of two morphemes, separated by a hyphen:
read-able b. leg-ible
hear-ing audi-ence
en-large magn-ify
perform-ance rend-ition
white-ness clar-ity
dark-en obfusc-ate
seek-er applic-ant
The rationale for the
division is that the words in column a. all contain a free morpheme,
respectively read, hear, large,
white and
By contrast, in the words in column b., though they are similar in meaning to
their counterparts in a., both the morphemes are bound. If you knows something
about the history of the English language, or if you know Spanish or Latin, you
may know already that most of the free morphemes belong to that part of the
vocabulary of English that has been inherited directly through the Germanic
branch of the Indo-European language family to which English belongs, whereas
all the morphemes have been introduced, or borrowed, from Latin, either
directly or via French. We will return to these historical matters in Chapter
9. Even without such historical knowledge, it may strike you that the words are
on the whole somewhat less common, or more bookish, This reflects the fact
that, among the most widely used words, the Germanic element still
predominates. It is thus fair to say that, in English, there is still a strong
tendency for complex words to contain a free morpheme at their core. Is it
possible for a bound morpheme to be so limited in its distribution that it
occurs in just one complex word? The answer is yes. This is almost true, for
example, of the morpheme leg- ‘read’ in legible at
least in everyday vocabulary, it is found in only one other word, namely illegible,
the negative counterpart of legible. And it is absolutely
true of the morphemes cran-, huckle- and
gorm- in
Cranberry and
compounds kind of complex word to be discussed
whose second element is clearly the free morpheme berry,
occurring in several other compounds such as strawberry,
blackberry and
however, cran- and huckle- occur nowhere outside
these compounds. A name commonly given to such bound .
2. According
to Francis Katamba (1993) :
Bound Morpheme is the
roots that incapable of occurring in isolation. They always occur with some other
word-building element attached to them. Such roots are called bound morphemes.
Examples of bound morphemes are given below:
–mit in permit, remit, commit, admit
–ceive as in perceive, receive, conceive
predd-. as in predator, predatory,
predation, depredate
d.sedas- as in sedan, sedate, sedent,
sedentary, sediment
bound roots -mit, -ceive, -pred and
sed- co-occur with forms like dee, re-, -ate, -ment which recur in
numerous other words as prefixes or suffixes. None of these roots could occur
as an independent word. Roots tend to have a core meaning which is in some way
modified by the affix. But determining meaning is sometimes tricky. Perhaps you
are able to recognise the meaning 'prey' that runs through the root pred- in the various words and
perhaps you are also able to identify the meaning 'sit' in all the forms in
which contain sed.
According to Mark Aronoff and Kirsten
The appearance of one morph over another in this case
isdetermined by voicing and the place of
articulation of the final consonant of the verb stem. Now consider the word reconsideration. We can break it into
three morphemes: re-, consider, and -ation. Consider is called the stem. A stem is a base
unit to which another morphological piece is attached. The stem can be simple, made up of only one part, or complex, itself made up of more than one piece. Here it is best to
consider consider a simple
Although it consists historically of more than one
part, most present-day speakers would treat it as an unanalyzable form. We
could also call consider the
root. A root is like a stem in
constituting the core of the word to which other pieces attach, but the term
refers only to morphologically simple units. For example, disagree is the stem disagreement, because it is the base to which -ment attaches, but agree
is the root. Taking disagree now,
agree is both the stem to which
dis- attaches and the root of
the entire word. Returning now to reconsideration,
re- and -ation are both affixes, which means that they are
attached to the stem. Affixes like re-
that go before the stem are prefixes,
and those like -ation that go
after are suffixes. Some readers
may wonder why we have not broken -ation
down further into two pieces, -ate
and -ion, which function
independently elsewhere. In this particular word they do not do so (cf. *reconsiderate), and hence we treat -ation as a single morpheme. It is
important to take seriously the idea that the grammatical function of a
morpheme, which may include its meaning, must be constant.
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